Sell your art on autopilot

with my all-inclusive Facebook ad management services for creative entrepreneurs.

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You should spend your time creating work for clients, not content for the ‘Gram.

I’m here to take Facebook ad management off your to-do list, so you can start scaling your creative business without having to do a bunch of extra work.

Here's the Truth

I've got you

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Revenue Generated Via Facebook & Instagram Ads 

Leads Captured Via Facebook & Instagram Ads 

Clients Served Since 2013

Number of Launch Funnels Set-Up

Years of Ads & Marketing Experience 

 Level of Excitement to Serve YOU! 

You DO have to “pay to play” if you want results on social media.

I hate to break it to you, but… 

Sick of getting low engagement on Instagram, but know you still have to show up in order to grow your business?


You don’t have to keep churning out silly Reels and hoping that one goes viral. Nor do you have to hire an expensive ads agency and cross your fingers that what they do works.

All you have to do is find the right Facebook ads manager (hint, hint) who can help you develop & execute a successful advertising strategy for your business.

Once you do that, you’ll start generating leads and sales on autopilot, get your precious time & energy back, and maybe even earn enough extra $$$ to take that Italian vacation you’ve been dreaming about. Arrivederci! 

Here’s the good news, though:

Getting the results you want is waaay easier than you think!

Here's How I Can Help You

book now

Want an expert’s eyes on your Facebook ads? Book a personal coaching session with me, where we’ll hop on Zoom, share screens, and dive head-first into your campaigns. Whether you’re wondering whether your account is set up correctly, you aren’t sure how to interpret your results, or you want advice on how to improve your ads for maximum conversion, we can tackle anything you want.

Here’s what’s included:

  • 90-minute Zoom call with Amber
  • Personal audit of your sales funnel / ad campaigns
  • Call recording & write-up of recommendations delivered post-call

Advertising Audit

Starting at $750

Ready to outsource your entire Facebook ad management? Hand everything over to me and take a big ol’ sigh of relief. After a month of onboarding — where I’ll learn all the details about your brand, audit your existing funnel, sort through your Meta account, and set up your first ad campaign — you can count on me for monthly ad creation, maintenance, reporting, and more. Here’s what’s included:

  • Brand discovery call 
  • Sales funnel audit & map
  • Meta account setup 
  • Ad campaign setup (copy, creative, & custom conversions / events)
  • 1:1 Voxer access to Amber
  • Monthly strategy call
  • Monthly ad management & maintenance
  • Monthly reporting

Ads by Amber

Starting at $1,750

book now

 Get started with my self-paced online course, where you’ll learn literally everything you need to know. From devising the perfect strategy for your brand to setting up your Meta account from scratch to creating the actual ads (and everything that comes after), this course walks you through my entire proven strategy.


Thinking about running your own Facebook & Instagram ads?

Here’s what’s included:

  • Comprehensive, self-paced online course
  • Exclusive Facebook group for students
  • Lifetime access

"It is really refreshing to have someone in my corner who is knowledgeable and great at what she does."

genna blackburn

"You can tell that she doesn't believe in the 'one-size-fits-all' approach. Instead, she custom tailors each campaign to fit my business perfectly."

Kim Burks
of Ramona & Ruth

"In the 9 months that she has been running my ads, the ads have had almost a 4x ROA. I have made significantly more than I've spent"

elisabeth stuckey

"You WON’T regret hiring Amber—it will only increase your sales and bring you peace of mind."

laurieanne of laurieanne art

Trusted by leaders in the creative Industry 

Facebook/Instagram Ads Expert, Launch Strategist, Mama, Wife, Believer, Iced Coffee Connoisseur, Southern-Hearted Hostess andddd that friend who will always be down for a Mexican dinner date.

Oh and also, your new business bestie! 

If you’ve landed here, you’re most likely a creative business owner who’s doing really important, meaningful work and you’re ready to take your business to the NEXT LEVEL. 

Welp friend, I can help. I think it’s time we really get to know each other.

Hey y'all! I'm Amber.


to ensure your ad's success

Get Clear On Your Goals 

step 1

Are you looking to grow your email list with super qualified leads? Do you have a product launch coming up and need to make sure everyone knows about it?! Or maybe you simply want to increase sales to your shop? 

The first step in making sure you’re ready to spend money on paid ads is to get laser focused on who we’re targeting and what your goals are for your business. 

Analyze Your Campaign 

step 2

Then, we’ll analyze your funnel. 

We want to make sure that wherever we're directing people after they’ve clicked on your ad is set up for success. The average website attention span is EIGHT seconds. We will work to make sure your landing page entices your audience and gets them to take action! 

This part of the process is just as important to me as the ads set up, because it's crucial for the success of the campaign! I want to see your ads convert just as much as you do 🎉 

Build, Launch & Watch The Results Roll In! 

step 3

Finally, I'll actually build your campaigns (insert all the nerdy behind the scenes things that need to happen here), we’ll launch them and then sit back, relax and watch the leads/sales roll in. 

Well actually, you’ll get to sit back and relax, I’ll be over here stalking your campaigns to make sure they’re performing against the goals we set in step 1. Some people are doing the infinite scroll on Tik-Tok, I am more into refreshing the meta ads manager to see how your ads are doing.

3-Step Process

Download Yours Now!

The Paid Ads Starter Kit

free download

Download my free guide to learn all the different types of FB & IG campaigns, the anatomy of an ad that CONVERTS, my best tips & tricks when building your first campaign, and so much more.

Cheers to you, friend!

ready to get started?

let's get started!

You may also email me directly at

this is where the fun starts!

I'm so excited to meet you.

Thank you for reaching out! I will be in touch within 1-2 business days to get the process started.